Óptica de plata Co., LTD:Rectificado profesional de espejos ópticos, Fabricación de moldes para lentes ópticas!

Lente BlackLight

» BlackLight Lens

Lente BlackLight

Un “Lente BlackLight” likely refers to a lens designed to work with ultraviolet (UV) or blacklight sources. Blacklight, or UV light, is a type of light that emits ultraviolet radiation and is not visible to the human eye. However, certain materials fluoresce or glow when exposed to UV light.

Here are a few scenarios where BlackLight Lenses might be used:

Forensic Investigations: In forensic science, blacklight is used to detect bodily fluids, fibers, and other evidence that fluoresce under UV light. Blacklight lenses can help forensic investigators visualize and document this evidence more effectively.

Security and Authentication: UV light is also used in security applications to authenticate documents, currency, and other valuable items that contain fluorescent security features. Lenses optimized for blacklight can enhance the visibility of these features.

Entertainment and Special Effects: Blacklight is commonly used in theatrical productions, theme parks, and other entertainment venues to create special effects and immersive environments. Lenses designed for blacklight sources can help achieve desired lighting effects and enhance the visual impact of these experiences.

Insect Traps: UV light is often used in insect traps and bug zappers to attract insects, as many insects are attracted to UV light. Lenses designed for blacklight sources in these devices can help optimize the attraction of insects.

These lenses are likely designed to transmit UV light efficiently while minimizing distortion or attenuation. They may also include filters to block visible light and improve contrast when working with fluorescent materials. Additionally, they may be made of materials that are resistant to UV degradation, ensuring long-term performance.

  • Óptica de plástico de precisión para



  • Aplicaciones del producto





  • Otras aplicaciones OEM

    Pantalla de proyección
    Óptica de telecomunicaciones
    Productos de seguridad
    Óptica del escáner de código de barras
    Lentes de impresora
    Sistemas de cine en casa
    Simuladores de vuelo




  • Línea de productos

    Lentes asféricas
    (paraboloide, hiperboloide, elipsoidal)
    Lentes esféricas
    Lentes LED
    Lentes con sensor
    Lentes colimadoras
    Óptica difractiva
    Lentes Fresnel
    Lentes cilíndricas
    Ventanas de plástico
    Espejos asféricos
    Superficies de forma libre
    Matrices de microlentes
    Rejillas de ranura en V
    (Aplicación de panel de luz de fondo)