Сильвер Оптикс Ко., ЛТД:Профессиональная оптическая зеркальная шлифовка, Изготовление пресс-форм для оптических линз!

Инновации в оптических линзах

Инновации в оптических линзах

Декабрь 23, 2016

Optical lens Innovation -with 0.2 mm wall thickness endoscope


The lens cap with a wall thickness of 0.2 mm is the latest polymer optical component developed and manufactured by Silveroptics Optics;

This product was developed for a leading global provider of medical devices, and is suitable for endoscopic applications;


To achieve the required wall thickness over a total length of 8.2 mm, we utilize state-of-the-art technology and a lot of experience. Our proactive project management was the key for a successful and on time realization of our part of the project. Our own ultra-precise optical tool makers working closely with our in-house production Technicians ensured the very highest technical standards for the endoscope-lens.

As well as designing, developing and manufacturing the Injection mould tools, we also were able to offer a complete supplier solution. We manufactured specialized end of arm tooling, so that the whole manufacturing process could be fully automated.

By working with our partners in this venture we were able to deliver very precise optical moldings to our customer in time and on budget

As well as manufacturing optical components for Медицинские приборы, such as endoscope-lenses, we also produce optical components for LED lighting. The benefits of automated serial production offer advantages for the quality and the cost. At our production site in DongGuang China we have state-of-the-art production and automation technologies to satisfy the increasing demands of our customers. We are certified ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 underline our high quality standards.


We are a customer focused company that is able to deliver low, medium or high volumes of products to the very highest standards.


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